Each sound effect has a name assigned to it in Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE). The game will play these sound effects when different things happen in the game such as breaking a block or throwing a potion. You can also choose to play these sound files or stop them from playing whenever you want using game commands such as /playsound or /stopsound.
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- Free Minecraft Sound Effects
- Minecraft Sound Effects Free Download
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We’ve a growing collection of free firework sound effects here at zapsplat.com and are adding more regularly. From small garden fireworks to huge commercial displays, we’ve recorded them all and they’re free to download and use in your projects. There are screamers, rocket launches, wick fizzes, failed fireworks, bangers, firecrackers, explosions with and without fizz and much. Minecraft Death Sound. Funny video game sound effects. Minecraft sounds mp3 download. Free online SFX library for your projects.
Here is an interactive list of the sound effects in Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE).
TIP: If you are not running Minecraft Pocket Edition, try one of our other versions:
(Enter a value in the field above to find a sound effect in the table below)
Name of the Sound Effect |
ambient.basalt_deltas.mood |
ambient.cave |
ambient.crimson_forest.mood |
ambient.nether_wastes.mood |
ambient.soulsand_valley.mood |
ambient.warped_forest.mood |
ambient.weather.lightning.impact |
ambient.weather.rain |
ambient.weather.thunder |
armor.equip_chain |
armor.equip_diamond |
armor.equip_generic |
armor.equip_gold |
armor.equip_iron |
armor.equip_leather |
beacon.activate |
beacon.ambient |
beacon.deactivate |
beacon.power |
block.bamboo.break |
block.bamboo.fall |
block.bamboo.hit |
block.bamboo.place |
block.bamboo.step |
block.bamboo_sapling.break |
block.bamboo_sapling.place |
block.barrel.close |
block.barrel.open |
block.beehive.drip |
block.beehive.enter |
block.beehive.exit |
block.beehive.shear |
block.beehive.work |
block.bell.hit |
block.blastfurnace.fire_crackle |
block.campfire.crackle |
block.cartography_table.use |
block.chorusflower.death |
block.chorusflower.grow |
block.composter.empty |
block.composter.fill |
block.composter.fill_success |
block.composter.ready |
block.end_portal.spawn |
block.end_portal_frame.fill |
block.false_permissions |
block.furnace.lit |
block.grindstone.use |
block.itemframe.add_item |
block.itemframe.break |
block.itemframe.place |
block.itemframe.remove_item |
block.itemframe.rotate_item |
block.lantern.break |
block.lantern.fall |
block.lantern.hit |
block.lantern.place |
block.lantern.step |
block.loom.use |
block.scaffolding.break |
block.scaffolding.climb |
block.scaffolding.fall |
block.scaffolding.hit |
block.scaffolding.place |
block.scaffolding.step |
block.smoker.smoke |
block.stonecutter.use |
block.sweet_berry_bush.break |
block.sweet_berry_bush.hurt |
block.sweet_berry_bush.pick |
block.sweet_berry_bush.place |
block.turtle_egg.break |
block.turtle_egg.crack |
block.turtle_egg.drop |
bottle.dragonbreath |
bubble.down |
bubble.downinside |
bubble.pop |
bubble.up |
bubble.upinside |
bucket.empty_fish |
bucket.empty_lava |
bucket.empty_water |
bucket.fill_fish |
bucket.fill_lava |
bucket.fill_water |
camera.take_picture |
cauldron.adddye |
cauldron.cleanarmor |
cauldron.cleanbanner |
cauldron.dyearmor |
cauldron.explode |
cauldron.fillpotion |
cauldron.fillwater |
cauldron.takepotion |
cauldron.takewater |
conduit.activate |
conduit.ambient |
conduit.attack |
conduit.deactivate |
conduit.short |
crossbow.loading.end |
crossbow.loading.middle |
crossbow.loading.start |
crossbow.quick_charge.end |
crossbow.quick_charge.middle |
crossbow.quick_charge.start |
crossbow.shoot |
damage.fallbig |
damage.fallsmall |
dig.ancient_debris |
dig.basalt |
dig.bone_block |
dig.chain |
dig.cloth |
dig.coral |
dig.fungus |
dig.grass |
dig.gravel |
dig.honey_block |
dig.lodestone |
dig.nether_brick |
dig.nether_gold_ore |
dig.nether_sprouts |
dig.nether_wart |
dig.netherite |
dig.netherrack |
dig.nylium |
dig.roots |
dig.sand |
dig.shroomlight |
dig.snow |
dig.soul_sand |
dig.soul_soil |
dig.stem |
dig.stone |
dig.vines |
dig.wood |
elytra.loop |
entity.zombie.converted_to_drowned |
fall.ancient_debris |
fall.basalt |
fall.bone_block |
fall.chain |
fall.cloth |
fall.coral |
fall.egg |
fall.grass |
fall.gravel |
fall.honey_block |
fall.ladder |
fall.nether_brick |
fall.nether_gold_ore |
fall.nether_sprouts |
fall.nether_wart |
fall.netherite |
fall.netherrack |
fall.nylium |
fall.roots |
fall.sand |
fall.shroomlight |
fall.slime |
fall.snow |
fall.soul_sand |
fall.soul_soil |
fall.stem |
fall.stone |
fall.vines |
fall.wood |
fire.fire |
fire.ignite |
firework.blast |
firework.large_blast |
firework.launch |
firework.shoot |
firework.twinkle |
game.player.attack.nodamage |
game.player.attack.strong |
game.player.die |
game.player.hurt |
hit.ancient_debris |
hit.anvil |
hit.basalt |
hit.bone_block |
hit.chain |
hit.cloth |
hit.coral |
hit.grass |
hit.gravel |
hit.honey_block |
hit.ladder |
hit.nether_brick |
hit.nether_gold_ore |
hit.nether_sprouts |
hit.nether_wart |
hit.netherite |
hit.netherrack |
hit.nylium |
hit.roots |
hit.sand |
hit.shroomlight |
hit.slime |
hit.snow |
hit.soul_sand |
hit.soul_soil |
hit.stem |
hit.stone |
hit.vines |
hit.wood |
item.book.page_turn |
item.book.put |
item.shield.block |
item.trident.hit |
item.trident.hit_ground |
item.trident.return |
item.trident.riptide_1 |
item.trident.riptide_2 |
item.trident.riptide_3 |
item.trident.throw |
item.trident.thunder |
jump.ancient_debris |
jump.basalt |
jump.bone_block |
jump.chain |
jump.cloth |
jump.coral |
jump.grass |
jump.gravel |
jump.honey_block |
jump.nether_brick |
jump.nether_gold_ore |
jump.nether_sprouts |
jump.nether_wart |
jump.netherite |
jump.netherrack |
jump.nylium |
jump.roots |
jump.sand |
jump.shroomlight |
jump.slime |
jump.snow |
jump.soul_sand |
jump.soul_soil |
jump.stem |
jump.stone |
jump.vines |
jump.wood |
land.ancient_debris |
land.basalt |
land.bone_block |
land.chain |
land.cloth |
land.coral |
land.grass |
land.gravel |
land.honey_block |
land.nether_brick |
land.nether_gold_ore |
land.nether_sprouts |
land.nether_wart |
land.netherite |
land.netherrack |
land.nylium |
land.roots |
land.sand |
land.shroomlight |
land.slime |
land.snow |
land.soul_sand |
land.soul_soil |
land.stem |
land.stone |
land.vines |
land.wood |
leashknot.break |
leashknot.place |
liquid.lava |
liquid.lavapop |
liquid.water |
lodestone_compass.link_compass_to_lodestone |
minecart.base |
minecart.inside |
mob.agent.spawn |
mob.armor_stand.break |
mob.armor_stand.hit |
mob.armor_stand.land |
mob.armor_stand.place |
mob.bat.death |
mob.bat.hurt |
mob.bat.idle |
mob.bat.takeoff |
mob.bee.aggressive |
mob.bee.death |
mob.bee.hurt |
mob.bee.loop |
mob.bee.pollinate |
mob.bee.sting |
mob.blaze.breathe |
mob.blaze.death |
mob.blaze.hit |
mob.blaze.shoot |
mob.cat.beg |
mob.cat.eat |
mob.cat.hiss |
mob.cat.hit |
mob.cat.meow |
mob.cat.purr |
mob.cat.purreow |
mob.cat.straymeow |
mob.chicken.hurt |
mob.chicken.plop |
mob.chicken.say |
mob.chicken.step |
mob.cow.hurt |
mob.cow.milk |
mob.cow.say |
mob.cow.step |
mob.creeper.death |
mob.creeper.say |
mob.dolphin.attack |
mob.dolphin.blowhole |
mob.dolphin.death |
mob.dolphin.eat |
mob.dolphin.hurt |
mob.dolphin.idle |
mob.dolphin.idle_water |
mob.dolphin.jump |
mob.dolphin.play |
mob.dolphin.splash |
mob.dolphin.swim |
mob.drowned.death |
mob.drowned.death_water |
mob.drowned.hurt |
mob.drowned.hurt_water |
mob.drowned.say |
mob.drowned.say_water |
mob.drowned.shoot |
mob.drowned.step |
mob.drowned.swim |
mob.elderguardian.curse |
mob.elderguardian.death |
mob.elderguardian.hit |
mob.elderguardian.idle |
mob.enderdragon.death |
mob.enderdragon.flap |
mob.enderdragon.growl |
mob.enderdragon.hit |
mob.endermen.death |
mob.endermen.hit |
mob.endermen.idle |
mob.endermen.portal |
mob.endermen.scream |
mob.endermen.stare |
mob.endermite.hit |
mob.endermite.kill |
mob.endermite.say |
mob.endermite.step |
mob.evocation_fangs.attack |
mob.evocation_illager.ambient |
mob.evocation_illager.cast_spell |
mob.evocation_illager.celebrate |
mob.evocation_illager.death |
mob.evocation_illager.hurt |
mob.evocation_illager.prepare_attack |
mob.evocation_illager.prepare_summon |
mob.evocation_illager.prepare_wololo |
mob.fish.flop |
mob.fish.hurt |
mob.fish.step |
mob.fox.aggro |
mob.fox.ambient |
mob.fox.bite |
mob.fox.death |
mob.fox.eat |
mob.fox.hurt |
mob.fox.screech |
mob.fox.sleep |
mob.fox.sniff |
mob.fox.spit |
mob.ghast.affectionate_scream |
mob.ghast.charge |
mob.ghast.death |
mob.ghast.fireball |
mob.ghast.moan |
mob.ghast.scream |
mob.guardian.ambient |
mob.guardian.attack_loop |
mob.guardian.death |
mob.guardian.flop |
mob.guardian.hit |
mob.guardian.land_death |
mob.guardian.land_hit |
mob.guardian.land_idle |
mob.hoglin.ambient |
mob.hoglin.angry |
mob.hoglin.attack |
mob.hoglin.death |
mob.hoglin.howl |
mob.hoglin.hurt |
mob.hoglin.retreat |
mob.hoglin.step |
mob.horse.angry |
mob.horse.armor |
mob.horse.breathe |
mob.horse.death |
mob.horse.donkey.angry |
mob.horse.donkey.death |
mob.horse.donkey.hit |
mob.horse.donkey.idle |
mob.horse.eat |
mob.horse.gallop |
mob.horse.hit |
mob.horse.idle |
mob.horse.jump |
mob.horse.land |
mob.horse.leather |
mob.horse.skeleton.death |
mob.horse.skeleton.hit |
mob.horse.skeleton.idle |
mob.horse.soft |
mob.horse.wood |
mob.horse.zombie.death |
mob.horse.zombie.hit |
mob.horse.zombie.idle |
mob.husk.ambient |
mob.husk.death |
mob.husk.hurt |
mob.husk.step |
mob.irongolem.death |
mob.irongolem.hit |
mob.irongolem.throw |
mob.irongolem.walk |
mob.llama.angry |
mob.llama.death |
mob.llama.eat |
mob.llama.hurt |
mob.llama.idle |
mob.llama.spit |
mob.llama.step |
mob.llama.swag |
mob.magmacube.big |
mob.magmacube.jump |
mob.magmacube.small |
mob.mooshroom.convert |
mob.mooshroom.eat |
mob.mooshroom.suspicious_milk |
mob.ocelot.death |
mob.ocelot.idle |
mob.panda.bite |
mob.panda.cant_breed |
mob.panda.death |
mob.panda.eat |
mob.panda.hurt |
mob.panda.idle |
mob.panda.idle.aggressive |
mob.panda.idle.worried |
mob.panda.presneeze |
mob.panda.sneeze |
mob.panda.step |
mob.panda_baby.idle |
mob.parrot.death |
mob.parrot.eat |
mob.parrot.fly |
mob.parrot.hurt |
mob.parrot.idle |
mob.parrot.step |
mob.phantom.bite |
mob.phantom.death |
mob.phantom.hurt |
mob.phantom.idle |
mob.phantom.swoop |
mob.pig.boost |
mob.pig.death |
mob.pig.say |
mob.pig.step |
mob.piglin.admiring_item |
mob.piglin.ambient |
mob.piglin.angry |
mob.piglin.celebrate |
mob.piglin.converted_to_zombified |
mob.piglin.death |
mob.piglin.hurt |
mob.piglin.jealous |
mob.piglin.retreat |
mob.piglin.step |
mob.pillager.celebrate |
mob.pillager.death |
mob.pillager.hurt |
mob.pillager.idle |
mob.polarbear.death |
mob.polarbear.hurt |
mob.polarbear.idle |
mob.polarbear.step |
mob.polarbear.warning |
mob.polarbear_baby.idle |
mob.rabbit.death |
mob.rabbit.hop |
mob.rabbit.hurt |
mob.rabbit.idle |
mob.ravager.ambient |
mob.ravager.bite |
mob.ravager.celebrate |
mob.ravager.death |
mob.ravager.hurt |
mob.ravager.roar |
mob.ravager.step |
mob.ravager.stun |
mob.sheep.say |
mob.sheep.shear |
mob.sheep.step |
mob.shulker.ambient |
mob.shulker.bullet.hit |
mob.shulker.close |
mob.shulker.close.hurt |
mob.shulker.death |
mob.shulker.hurt |
mob.shulker.open |
mob.shulker.shoot |
mob.shulker.teleport |
mob.silverfish.hit |
mob.silverfish.kill |
mob.silverfish.say |
mob.silverfish.step |
mob.skeleton.death |
mob.skeleton.hurt |
mob.skeleton.say |
mob.skeleton.step |
mob.slime.attack |
mob.slime.big |
mob.slime.death |
mob.slime.hurt |
mob.slime.jump |
mob.slime.small |
mob.slime.squish |
mob.snowgolem.death |
mob.snowgolem.hurt |
mob.snowgolem.shoot |
mob.spider.death |
mob.spider.say |
mob.spider.step |
mob.squid.ambient |
mob.squid.death |
mob.squid.hurt |
mob.stray.ambient |
mob.stray.death |
mob.stray.hurt |
mob.stray.step |
mob.strider.death |
mob.strider.eat |
mob.strider.hurt |
mob.strider.idle |
mob.strider.panic |
mob.strider.step |
mob.strider.step_lava |
mob.strider.tempt |
mob.turtle.ambient |
mob.turtle.death |
mob.turtle.hurt |
mob.turtle.step |
mob.turtle.swim |
mob.turtle_baby.born |
mob.turtle_baby.death |
mob.turtle_baby.hurt |
mob.turtle_baby.step |
mob.vex.ambient |
mob.vex.charge |
mob.vex.death |
mob.vex.hurt |
mob.villager.death |
mob.villager.haggle |
mob.villager.hit |
mob.villager.idle |
mob.villager.no |
mob.villager.yes |
mob.vindicator.celebrate |
mob.vindicator.death |
mob.vindicator.hurt |
mob.vindicator.idle |
mob.wanderingtrader.death |
mob.wanderingtrader.disappeared |
mob.wanderingtrader.drink_milk |
mob.wanderingtrader.drink_potion |
mob.wanderingtrader.haggle |
mob.wanderingtrader.hurt |
mob.wanderingtrader.idle |
mob.wanderingtrader.no |
mob.wanderingtrader.reappeared |
mob.wanderingtrader.yes |
mob.witch.ambient |
mob.witch.celebrate |
mob.witch.death |
mob.witch.drink |
mob.witch.hurt |
mob.witch.throw |
mob.wither.ambient |
mob.wither.break_block |
mob.wither.death |
mob.wither.hurt |
mob.wither.shoot |
mob.wither.spawn |
mob.wolf.bark |
mob.wolf.death |
mob.wolf.growl |
mob.wolf.hurt |
mob.wolf.panting |
mob.wolf.shake |
mob.wolf.step |
mob.wolf.whine |
mob.zoglin.boost |
mob.zoglin.death |
mob.zoglin.say |
mob.zoglin.step |
mob.zombie.death |
mob.zombie.hurt |
mob.zombie.remedy |
mob.zombie.say |
mob.zombie.step |
mob.zombie.unfect |
mob.zombie.wood |
mob.zombie.woodbreak |
mob.zombie_villager.death |
mob.zombie_villager.hurt |
mob.zombie_villager.say |
mob.zombiepig.zpig |
mob.zombiepig.zpigangry |
mob.zombiepig.zpigdeath |
mob.zombiepig.zpighurt |
music.game |
music.game.creative |
music.game.credits |
music.game.crimson_forest |
music.game.end |
music.game.endboss |
music.game.nether |
music.game.nether_wastes |
music.game.soulsand_valley |
music.game.water |
music.menu |
note.banjo |
note.bass |
note.bassattack |
note.bd |
note.bell |
note.bit |
note.chime |
note.cow_bell |
note.didgeridoo |
note.flute |
note.guitar |
note.harp |
note.hat |
note.iron_xylophone |
note.pling |
note.snare |
note.xylophone |
particle.soul_escape |
portal.portal |
portal.travel |
portal.trigger |
raid.horn |
random.anvil_break |
random.anvil_land |
random.anvil_use |
random.bow |
random.bowhit |
random.break |
random.burp |
random.chestclosed |
random.chestopen |
random.click |
random.door_close |
random.door_open |
random.drink |
random.drink_honey |
random.eat |
random.enderchestclosed |
random.enderchestopen |
random.explode |
random.fizz |
random.fuse |
random.glass |
random.hurt |
random.levelup |
random.orb |
random.pop |
random.pop2 |
random.potion.brewed |
random.screenshot |
random.shulkerboxclosed |
random.shulkerboxopen |
random.splash |
random.swim |
random.toast |
random.totem |
record.11 |
record.13 |
record.blocks |
record.cat |
record.chirp |
record.far |
record.mall |
record.mellohi |
record.pigstep |
record.stal |
record.strad |
record.wait |
record.ward |
respawn_anchor.ambient |
respawn_anchor.charge |
respawn_anchor.deplete |
respawn_anchor.set_spawn |
smithing_table.use |
step.ancient_debris |
step.basalt |
step.bone_block |
step.chain |
step.cloth |
step.coral |
step.grass |
step.gravel |
step.honey_block |
step.ladder |
step.nether_brick |
step.nether_gold_ore |
step.nether_sprouts |
step.nether_wart |
step.netherite |
step.netherrack |
step.nylium |
step.roots |
step.sand |
step.shroomlight |
step.slime |
step.snow |
step.soul_sand |
step.soul_soil |
step.stem |
step.stone |
step.vines |
step.wood |
tile.piston.in |
tile.piston.out |
ui.cartography_table.take_result |
ui.loom.select_pattern |
ui.loom.take_result |
ui.stonecutter.take_result |
use.ancient_debris |
use.basalt |
use.bone_block |
use.chain |
use.cloth |
use.coral |
use.grass |
use.gravel |
use.honey_block |
use.ladder |
use.nether_brick |
use.nether_gold_ore |
use.nether_sprouts |
use.nether_wart |
use.netherite |
use.netherrack |
use.nylium |
use.roots |
use.sand |
use.shroomlight |
use.slime |
use.snow |
use.soul_sand |
use.soul_soil |
use.stem |
use.stone |
use.vines |
use.wood |
vr.stutterturn |
Name of the Sound Effect
Minecraft Sound Effects Free
In Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE), the name of a sound effect starts with one of the following values:
- ambient
- armor
- beacon
- block
- bottle
- bubble
- bucket
- camera
- cauldron
- conduit
- crossbow
- damage
- dig
- elytra
- entity
- fall
- fire
- firework
- game
- hit
- item
- jump
- land
- leashknot
- liquid
- lodestone_compass
- minecart
- mob
- music
- note
- particle
- portal
- raid
- random
- record
- respawn_anchor
- smithing_table
- step
- tile
- ui
- use
- vr
TIP: You do not prefix the sound effect name with minecraft:
in Pocket Edition game commands.
Example of how to play a sound effect
Minecraft Sound Effects Free Downloads
Knowing the name of a sound effect comes in handy when you want to play a sound. You can use the /playsound command to play a sound effect at any time in the game.
Free Minecraft Sound Effects
For example, you can play the eerie sounds of an elder guardian for the player named DigMinecraft.