- Passive To Active Voice Converter
- Passive To Active Voice Converter Free
- Passive To Active Voice Converter Free Online
If you want to change a passive-voice sentence to active voice, find the agent in a 'by the.' Phrase, or consider carefully who or what is performing the action expressed in the verb. Make that agent the subject of the sentence, and change the verb accordingly. A good passive or active voice checker allows you to copy and paste the text. Then, submit your content and wait a while until it gets edited. Then, you will be able to get the amended version of the text in the best way. It is true that a free voice checker works like a miracle for those who’re not familiar with checking the content manually. Why on earth would you want that? That would be like getting your calculator out to add 2 + 2. If you don’t know the difference google it and memorize the results.
The Importance of Passive Voice
In school, we were often told not to use passive voice when writing but the truth is it does have its place and purpose. There are many rules when it comes to using voice and for less experienced writers a passive voice fixer can be very useful in sorting things out. Active voice is when the subject in a sentence acts upon its verb, while passive voice is when the subject receives the action of the verb. Active voice is generally more clear and concise so that readers can easily understand what is being said but passive voice has its place as well and serves an important purpose in some situations. Getting the voice right in writing is important as it allows you to express information in the most appropriate way to your audience. The trick is knowing when using passive voice is appropriate.
Tips on Using Passive Voice with a Passive and Active Voice Converter
Although active voice is often preferred over passive voice there are times when using passive voice is okay and even beneficial. The following are 7 tips for using passive voice correctly:
- To sound more formal. In certain academic papers, the writer wants to come across as more formal in their writing. Using the active voice comes across as less formal and more like having a personal conversation. Passive voice lends a more formal tone to your paper.
- To come across as more objective. In some papers, it may be important to deliver information while demonstrating your objectivity. The passive voice comes across as more objective when delivering information
- To remain anonymous. There may be cases where you wish the subject to remain anonymous. One possible reason is to avoid placing blame. By using passive voice such as “A mistake was made” you avoid placing blame. Using active voice as in the sentences “I made a mistake” or “Bill made a mistake” assigns blame and may not be desirable.
- To emphasize an action. Scientific and technical writing often use passive voice in situations where the action is more important than who performed it. “Ten cc of chlorine was poured into the beaker” would be used rather than “I poured ten cc of chlorine into the beaker” because it is the action that is important, not who performed it.
- When the subject is already known. If the subject performing the action is already known it isn’t necessary to place the subject at the beginning of every sentence.
- When the subject isn’t important. There are times when the subject of a particular sentence isn’t important, just the object and the action performed.
- To vary sentence structure.Continual use of the active voice in writing can sometimes come across as choppy. Mixing in the occasional passive voice sentence can make your text more readable by changing things up.
To use these tips effectively you need to examine each sentence, consider your audience, what it is you want to say and how you want it to be received. Using a passive voice checker online can be very helpful as you edit for proper passive voice usage.
Benefits of Using a Passive Voice Checker
Editing and polishing academic papers, essays and other writing is often an arduous and time-consuming task that can take hours. It is easy to overlook mistakes in your own text even for experienced writers. A passive and active voice converter is an online writing tool that can identify the voice you are using in each sentence of a paper and let you know if it is appropriate for the situation. There are numerous rules governing the use of voice in writing, many of which most people aren’t familiar with. A writing tool that tells you how to fix passive voice misuse will make the editing process both easier and faster. It will let you know if you need to convert the sentence to passive voice and how to do it. Conversely, it can also advise you on how to covert passive to active voice and inform you when that is the better option.
Passive To Active Voice Converter
The voice tester tool does much more than take active voice and change into passive voice online and vice versa. It performs several other editing functions as well. The passive to active voice converter also functions as spelling, grammar, punctuation and dictionary checker. In addition, it examines the tone of your text as well as word usage. The active voice changer also works on any type of writing whether it is an academic paper, blog, business letter or some other form of text. It’s an ideal editing tool as you can check grammar, check passive voice or active voice and perform most other editing tasks all at the same time.
Use Our Passive Voice Tester Now
Part of the appeal of the passive voice tester is how fast and easy it is for anyone to use. No technical expertise is required. After navigating to the site just perform the following steps:
- Copy and paste your text into the field/editor that is provided. Click the button to begin the analyzing process.
- Read the provided report. Within seconds you will be provided with a report that indicates errors and sentences that can be improved on. You will also be provided with suggestions on corrections to be made.
- Make the required adjustments.
It’s that simple. Naturally you will need to put some effort into making the necessary corrections but you will have knocked hours off the time spent editing yet have a much improved paper.
Take advantage of this exceptional writing tool and use the passive voice fixer on your very next assignment to immediately see improved results.
When to Change the Sentences into Passive Voice
You may have been told at some point that if you want to have proper grammar passive voice should not be used. Actually using passive voice is not grammatically incorrect. Active voice is generally preferred for reasons of style and not because it breaks any grammar rules. It is usually more concise and easier to understand than passive voice. However, there are instances when it is better to use the passive voice. When the action is more important than the performer is one such case. Passive voice may be more appropriate when the performer is unknown, obvious or irrelevant. Many scientific fields employ the passive voice to avoid the use of pronouns. Whether the active or passive voice is used will depend on the specific circumstances.
Change into Passive Voice Online Using Our Grammar Tool
An area many students have difficulty with is determining which “voice” should be used when they write. The term “voice” refers to the way an action verb relates to its subject. Every sentence you write will use either active voice or passive voice. When using the passive voice, the subject is acted upon by the verb. Recognizing whether the active or passive voice is being used and if it is the best choice is essential to produce a well written paper. Our passive voice checker identifies which voice is being used and whether or not it is appropriate for the particular situation. Using an online passive voice checker helps improve the clarity of each sentence and assists in improving your overall paper. You can check passive voice in just a few clicks of your mouse.
How to Check Passive Voice with Our Online Checker
Passive To Active Voice Converter Free
Using an passive voice checker online is fast and convenient. It is easy and can be done from anywhere you have internet access. The following are the basic steps to using an online passive voice checker:
- Provide a copy of the document: Upload a copy of the paper that you wish to be reviewed for passive voice usage.
- Document is reviewed: Your document is quickly checked and all sentences using passive voice are identified. Each sentence is reviewed to determine if the appropriate voice has been used. Any required revisions are made.
- Document is returned: The checked and corrected document is returned.