- Free KP janma kundali, KP Horoscope, KP Astrology Software. Here you can get your complete Krishnamurthy paddhati (KP) birth chart, planet & house sub lords, 5 level vimsottari dasha. You can get your rashi, nakshatra details, western progression, ghata chakra, lagna, navamsha and bhava kundali. Windows, android.
- Light of KP Astrology software LOKPA is the world's best KP system astrology software providing accurate KP astrology output KP Software finding Promise of Events, Fruitful Significators, right Dasa Bhukti as Most accurate KP astrology software of world.
Using KP hoary software you can view horary charts, ruling planets, casting time ruling planets, house & planet significators (A, B, C, D), western planetary & house aspects, house & planets cusps, and also 4 levels of Dasha. We support multiple ayanamsas, geo-location, you can save the horary details into your accounts and use when required. It supports multiple languages (English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, etc.). You can also Print the Horary Charts. Ascendant can be moved to any house like 5, 9, 11 as per your needs.
KP Astrology believes that the houses are not equally divided into 12 divisions but based on the cusps. The cusps of houses play very important role throughout the whole lifespan of an individual. The span of house could be less than 30 degree or more than 30 degree. House and cusp lords are calculated through the Placidus system of western.
KP Placidus house division chart helps to read the natal chart of any native. Without switching to other tabs you can predict instantly from a single window. These features help to delineate the horoscope for comprehensive analysis.
It’s a web-based software, installation is not required. You can use RVA KP horary software online from any web browser free of cost and it can be accessed from mobile phones, and on desktops.
Practicing is the only way to attain perfection in KP Horary.
- View Horary Chart
- 1-249 Horary
- Move Lagna – We can move to the 5th or 9th house like that.
- Ruling Planets
- Casting Time Ruling Planets
- House Cusps & Planet Cusps
- House & Planet Significators, (A, B, C, D)
- Planetary & House Aspects Details
- Dasha – 4 Levels of Dasha
- Multiple Ayanamsas
- Geo-Location Support
- Save Horary into your accounts
- Multiple Languages Support
- Mobile Responsive
- Login and Save
- Print the charts
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How to use KP Horary Software
Enter your name, question, and other required details, enter the number chosen by the client and click on submit to generate an online horary chart. For an elucidate explanation read more
In case of any issues (bugs or miscalculations), you can report at our forum
If you are unable to find your birthplace, you can start the discussion mentioning the longitude and latitude details. we will add location into our software
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To provide your valuable feedback and design-related suggestions, start a discussion
We’ll take all your feedback to make the software more efficient.
Licensing is a simple 2 Step Process for Light of KP Astrology (LOKPA) software. You will receive your license maximum within 2 business/working days.
1. Install the software on your computer from the DVD or the direct download link provided to you.
2. During installation the software will ask for the License Code.
3. Copy and Paste the License Number in the Activation window and click Activate and your software is activated for lifetime use.
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Our software has been extensively tested to work under various computer system environments. It is a bug free software. Ensure that you have genuine Windows Operating system and Microsoft products. Having any pirated versions of any kind of software which are pirated with keygen, patches or crack can harm your computer system permanently and lead to data loss. Having such elements in your computer system can also create malfunction with our software and create licensing problem. So, we urge you to have a clean system environment before you install and license our software. In case you are running any pirated software of any kind on your computer system and due to this our LOKPA software malfunctions, then we would not be responsible for it.